Licensing, accreditation, quality & safety

Licensing, accreditation, quality & safety


ATMA CENA has submitted its application to be licensed. Service providers in Alberta who offer or provide Psychedelic Drug Treatment Services must be licensed by the Alberta Government.
The regulatory framework provides government oversight and key protections for clients receiving psychedelics drug treatment services in Alberta.


CPSA Accreditation is a process that ensures the quality and safety of medical and diagnostic facilities in Alberta.
CPSA stands for College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta , which is the organization that sets the standards and assesses facilities. CPSA accreditation covers Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy.
ATMA CENA has registered to be accredited and is following the Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy program guide to prepare.

Quality & safety

ATMA CENA Psychedelic Healthcare Solutions has developed a Quality Management System (QMS) to support our commitment to good professional practice, treatment that is fit for intended use, and continual improvement to the quality of our clinic and services.
The goal of our system is to establish a framework for the Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy Treatment (PATT) where any of our clinics can review and carry out our quality objectives which include:

  • Providing safe access to psychedelic-assisted therapies
  • Interpreting data
  • Performing adjunct therapies
  • Administering pharmacologic agents related to PATT procedures.
  • Bridging the traditional power of natural medicine with cutting edge medical science
  • Supporting community care and the patient’s medical home
  • Providing safe, equitable and appropriate services

The framework also includes guidance for performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation, acquiring, repairing and/or maintaining equipment, adapting quality control measure, monitoring performance improvement, providing community services and education, charting and record keeping, educating other healthcare providers and conducting research.
Through this Quality Policy we intend to support a culture of quality, good professional practice, patient focused care, expected service standards and our commitment to compliance with all applicable international, national, local and organizational requirements and standards.