Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAT)

Fast-acting relief for mental health.

Ketamine assisted therapy (kat)

Fast-acting relief for mental health

Ketamine & its potential benefits

Ketamine Assisted Therapy (KAT) is an innovative and promising mental health treatment that utilizes ketamine’s unique ability to induce an altered state of consciousness, freeing the mind from ingrained constructs and alleviate pain, allowing individuals to explore and process difficult emotions and memories in a safe and supportive environment.

Tired of treatments that just manage symptoms? KAT helps you heal from the bottom up, addressing root causes of mental health challenges. By combining the remarkable properties of ketamine with skilled therapy, you can access thoughts, emotions, and memories that may have felt out of reach in traditional talk therapy, allowing for deeper levels of healing.

ATMA CENA Ketamine Assisted Therapy Clinic Edmonton

Ready to get started?

As you book an information call, we invite you to review these important considerations. They play a role in determining your eligibility for treatment. Your attention to these questions will help us better understand your needs and supports for your journey.

Your journey to healing

Initial Contact

Begin with a conversation to understand your needs and determine how our services can best support your healing journey.

Readiness Assessment

Engage in a comprehensive intake assessment called a discovery call to ensure our programs align with your therapeutic goals.

Treatment Plan

Collaborate with your dedicated medical team to choose or create your treatment plan. Explore various options to best support your path to wellness.

Education, Preparation and Intention Setting

Prepare for your ketamine sessions with guidance from your therapist. Set clear intentions and learn about the process to maximize your therapeutic experience.

Ketamine Sessions

Our sessions are conducted safely and ethically. We offer:

  • Psycholytic Sessions: Involving low doses of ketamine, with a therapist present to help process material and provide support.
  • Psychedelic Sessions: Tailored for Treatment-Resistant Conditions: Clients enter an altered state of consciousness, supported by our clinical staff, for deeper healing of serious mental health conditions.
  • Customized Treatments: A combination of psycholytic and psychedelic sessions with talk therapy for clients seeking comprehensive healing.
  • CoCare™ Program: In partnership with your psychedelic informed therapist, you can stay under their care while coming into our clinic for the ketamine-only session.

Integration Sessions

Work with your therapist to process and integrate your experiences. Convert insights into meaningful change to enhance the long-term benefits of your treatment.

Follow-Up, Monitoring and Continued Support

Participate in ongoing sessions to reassess and reinforce your progress. Our evidence-based approach including various ketamine sessions, with options for continued support tailored to your evolving needs.

A $300 non-refundable deposit is required for all ATMA CENA treatment programs, which will be applied toward your treatment.

Treatment Paths

KAT Psychedelic

A psychedelic dose involves the administration ketamine via intramuscular injection or oral, inducing an altered state of consciousness. During this experience, you will be reclining with eye shades and listening to carefully selected music, while the ketamine facilitates the activation of various neural pathways, allowing for a distinct internal experience. As ketamine is a dissociative agent, you may experience a degree of disconnection, which can provide a novel perspective on your self-awareness and internal processes.

KAT Psycholytic

A psycholytic dose is a lower dose of ketamine, administered sublingual or oral, that allows you to experience a non-ordinary state of consciousness while also able to stay in the present moment and consciously process with your therapist. This allows you to step away from your ingrained defenses to access and address material that may have been too challenging to face in traditional therapy, allowing you the space to safely observe and process this material.

CoCare™ Program

If you are currently working with a psychedelic-informed therapist and are interested in exploring our Ketamine-Assisted Therapy services, we encourage you to have your therapist contact us about our CoCare™ program, or you can book an information call to learn more.

Maintenance Program

In Ketamine-Assisted Therapy (KAT), everyone’s experiences are unique, and the sustainable impacts of your healing journey may require ongoing maintenance. To support your ongoing progress, we offer affordable maintenance sessions which range from$679 up to $949 and are designed to reinforce your previous treatments and promote long-term overall wellness.

KAT Psycholytic

Low Dose in a Therapy Session
$ 1,249 Initial Program
  • 1 Ketamine Session
  • 4-5 hours of care
  • Additional treatments $629/session
  • Clinical Assessment
  • Preparation Therapy
    (Education & Intention Setting)
  • Talk Therapy in Ketamine Sessions
  • Integration Therapy
  • Follow up Session by nurse/clinical team

KAT Psychedelic

High Dose in a Standalone Session
$ 1,349 Initial Program
  • 1 Ketamine Session
  • 7 hours of care
  • Additional treatments $789/session
  • Clinical Assessment
  • Preparation Therapy
    (Education & Intention Setting)
  • Integration Therapy
  • Follow up Session by nurse/clinical team

Customized KAT

Combination of Psychedelic & Psycholytic
$ 1,999-3,399 Initial Program
  • 2-4 Ketamine Sessions
  • Customized Care Package
  • Clinical Assessment
  • Preparation Therapy
    (Education & Intention Setting)
  • Talk Therapy in Ketamine Sessions
  • Integration Therapy
  • Follow up Session by nurse/clinical team

Combining Ketamine Assisted Therapy & rTMS

The integration of Ketamine Assisted Therapy with repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) has real potential to improve therapeutic outcomes. Early studies show these two treatment options to be complementary and synergistic.

rTMS is a non-invasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain. It’s particularly effective for treatment-resistant depression and can help in modulating brain activity, providing long-lasting relief.

Some of the benefits of this combination include:

  • Enhanced Efficacy: The rapid effects of ketamine may complement the longer-term benefits of rTMS.
  • Synergistic Effects: Ketamine may prime the brain to respond better to rTMS, enhancing neuroplasticity and setting you up for lasting changes.
  • Comprehensive Approach: Addressing both chemical and neural pathway aspects of mental health conditions can lead to more holistic treatment outcomes.

Although initial results are promising, further studies are needed to fully understand the benefits and any potential risks of combining these therapies.

rTMS Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation

Healing Journey with ATMA CENA

This chart represents the recommended treatment paths based on the severity of mental health conditions.

Mild Conditions

Therapy Only

Moderate Conditions

Therapy, KAT & rTMS

Severe Conditions

Psilocybin- or MDMA-Assisted Therapy, rTMS & Therapy

Treatment resistant conditions

Psilocybin- or MDMA-Assisted Therapy, rTMS & Therapy

At our practice, clients determine the starting point of their therapeutic journey. We generally recommend beginning with the least intensive treatment level suitable for their current mental health status and daily functioning. As we collaborate closely with each client, we continually assess their progress and response to treatment. This allows us to gradually increase the intensity of care as needed, ensuring a personalized and effective path to mental health recovery.

Schedule a free Information
Call to get started


Ketamine has not received approval from Health Canada or the Food and Drug Administration for treating any mental health conditions. This page offers information strictly for educational purposes and does not comprehensively cover the current research on psychedelic treatments, including their effectiveness, contraindications, risks, side effects, or other relevant details. For further information, please refer to our Disclaimers in our
Terms of Use.

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